1. Why is it important for business strategy to drive organisational strategy and IS strategy? What might happen if business strategy was not the driver?
The Information Systems Strategy Triangle is a simple framework for understanding the impact of IS on organizations. From the Information System Strategy Triangle, we can see that the IS strategy triangle consists of Business Strategy, Organizational Strategy and Information Strategy. A Business Strategy is a well-articulated vision of where the business seeks to go and how it expects to get there. It is the form by which a business communicates its goals. Organizational strategy is concerned with envisioning a future for your family business, creating value in the eyes of your customers, and building and sustaining a strong position in the marketplace. Information Strategy means the hardware, software, application, database, procedure, people, and network.Organizational strategy is a clear definition of how the organization needs to change – over time - in order to be able to deliver the strategy of the enterprise and an actionable plan of how to make the transformation. This requires both the thinking and analysis to compare current state to desired state and define the gap, and the execution capabilities to make the requisite changes happen. Developed and implemented effectively organizational strategy enables companies to convert strategic intent into sustainable and high performance results.
2. Consider a traditional manufacturing company that wanted to take advantage of the Internet and the Web. What might be a reasonable business strategy and how would organizational and IS strategy need to change?When a traditional manufacturing company wants to take advantage of the Internet and the Web, its business model changed from traditional business to e-commerce business. in order to make the business successfully-commerce provides many new ways for businesses and consumers to communicate and conduct business. The information strategy also would have a big change. Online implementation needs the hardware to support and proper software to make the online process work. It also needs a wide network so others can view the information at this organization. The database would be some different than before, because it is through internet, the record was automatically done by the proper procedure.
3. What does this tip from Fast Company mean: “The job of the CIO is to provide organizational and strategic flexibility”?
The Chief Information Officer (CIO), whose position is providing strategic direction, planning, oversight, delivery and accountability for information technology (IT) activities. This position requires an individual to roll up their sleeves and contribute while leading the IT function within the organizationThe Chief Information Officer will serve as the primary point of contact, Kiewit's technology head, and report to the Senior Vice President of Operations and Administration. The incumbent will work with technology to provide a strategy for driving the company's Business Plan and effectively communicate the strategy throughout the organization.
http://fhict.fontys.nl/es/MScModules/Isom/Shared%20Documents/Sheets/Chapter+1_Info+Stg+Triangle%5B1%5D.ppt (Access on March 26, 2009)
http://www.constructionexecutive.com/constructionjobs/2037/Chief-Information-Officer-(CIO).html (Access on March 26, 2009).